Research Cycle

 Vol 4|No 1|October|2007
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Chapter Nine
Punchy Combinations

By Jamie McKenzie

Effective questioning involves strategic mixing and matching of question types in combinations much as a boxer will mix and match punches. The boxer approaches an opponent with a flurry of punches coming from different angles, a mixture of jabs, uppercuts and other blows landing in quick succession.

A leadership team needs to approach a challenge, a decision or a problem with an astute mixture of question types, fully aware that each question type will accomplish different objectives and will require support from other types to get the job done.

To master the art of punchy combinations, a team needs to learn the question types and grasp the function of each. This should also include practice with effective combinations of types.

Click here to download the rest of the chapter as a PDF file.

This is a sample chapter from Jamie McKenzie's new book, Leading Questions.

Click here for a Table of Contents and more sample chapters.

This book ships November 2007.
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A cartoon in every chapter. Click on sample below to enlarge.


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