Research Cycle

 The Question Mark

 Vol 1|No 6|May|2005

Appendix A The Student QDP

By Jamie McKenzie
© 2005 Jamie McKenzie, all rights reserved.

About the author.

This survey may be used for free in schools only by those who have purchased the book.

1. I explore important questions and issues arising out of the content of this class.

never __ monthly__ weekly __ 2-3 times weekly __ daily __

2. My teacher challenges me to do my own thinking, build my own answers and interpret information independently.

never __ monthly__ weekly __ 2-3 times weekly __ daily __

3. I am expected to center my research around an essential question of some kind.

never __ monthly__ weekly __ 2-3 times weekly __ daily __

4. I organize my thinking using Inspiration™ and other software programs to make mind maps.

never __ monthly__ weekly __ 2-3 times weekly __ daily __

5. I organize my thinking using paper to draw mind maps or cluster diagrams.

never __ monthly__ weekly __ 2-3 times weekly __ daily __

6. I work in a group to solve problems, make decisions and explore challenging questions.

never __ monthly__ weekly __ 2-3 times weekly __ daily __

7. I have the writing skills I need to handle research challenges effectively and efficiently.

strongly agree __ agree__ disagree__ strongly disagree __

8. I am getting quite good at knowing what each of the question types can do for me and how to combine or orchestrate their use.

strongly agree __ agree__ disagree__ strongly disagree __

9. My teacher presents the class with a challenge or issue, points us to a large collection of relevant information resources and expects us to figure things out.

never __ monthly__ weekly __ 2-3 times weekly __ daily __

10. I am able to make an important contribution to the work of a team considering a curriculum challenge.

strongly agree __ agree__ disagree__ strongly disagree __

11. The work we do in class and the tasks we must perform are going to prepare me for my life as an adult - both as a worker and as a community member.

__ strongly agree __ agree__ disagree__ strongly disagree

12. Many of the things we study seem boring and senseless to me.

__ strongly agree __ agree__ disagree__ strongly disagree

13. I am getting more skilled at generating my own questions and figuring out how to build my own answers.

__ strongly agree __ agree__ disagree__ strongly disagree

14. I just do not enjoy exploring complicated questions that prove frustrating and would much rather just be told what to do, where to find answers and how to wrap things up quickly.

__ strongly agree __ agree__ disagree__ strongly disagree

15. We devote too little time to important questions in this class and memorize too much information I do not care about.

strongly agree __ agree__ disagree__ strongly disagree

16. My teacher does a good job of helping me without doing too much for me.

strongly agree __ agree__ disagree__ strongly disagree __

17. I have the reading skills I need to handle research challenges effectively and efficiently.

strongly agree __ agree__ disagree__ strongly disagree __

18. I have the information finding skills I need to handle research challenges effectively and efficiently.

strongly agree __ agree__ disagree__ strongly disagree __

19. This year has really helped me to get in touch with my own sense of wonder about things in life.

strongly agree __ agree__ disagree__ strongly disagree __

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Credits: The photographs were shot by Jamie McKenzie .

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